Current Warrants





The mission of the Lawrence County Sheriff Department is to provide quality and professional service to the communities we serve.


Our mission includes the prevention of crime, the investigation of criminal incidents, the identification, apprehension and detention of criminal suspects and the recovery of stolen or lost property.


In the performance of this mission our deputies and department personnel will uphold all statutory and constitutional standards of this department and will work withal law enforcement officials in order to provide a safe environment for the people of Lawrence County.


We are dedicated to providing fair, unbiased, judicious police service in the manner that is respectful of the dignity of all individuals.

To Serve and Protect : In Emergency dial 911
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If there is a warrant on this list for you, please call the circuit clerks office at 618-943-2815.  They will be able to tell you how much you owe and other information on how to take care of it. If a person on this list is deceased we will need a copy of the death certificate to have the warrant removed.

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